
Tuesday 20 August 2013


In room 5 We are learning how to persuade someone useing A Forest in our Writing

A: Alliteration: Peter piper put the pipe back in place.
F: Facts And Figures: DID you know that the bible has 66 books.
O: Opinions: I think that people should go to school early.
R: Rhetorical Question: Stop being like me okay?
E:Emotive: I had a really bad day.
S: Superlatives: Today was The best day of my life.
T: Threes: Boom boom boom went the fire

Thursday 15 August 2013

My Food Pyramid

WALT: What are good food that we can eat everyday.

In room 5 we are learning about what foods are healthy for our body's  And God made our body so we have to treat our body in a good way. We can only eat treats once a week and eat Veges 5+ a day and also eat fruits 3+ a day.

Monday 12 August 2013

My Ad

In room 5 we are learning how to discover why we have ads, and how they attract attention and who they target. This ad is targeting people that do not have a car and have lots of money to send And want to go fast this my ad.

Thursday 1 August 2013

What Respect Means To Me

In room 5 we are learning to find out what respect means. I know I have learnt this when the number one rule represents respect. This is what my group and I have been working on.