
Thursday 24 September 2015

Why should people Read?

  Why should people Read?
  • It helps their memory to remember things
  • It helps you get to your standards
  • It can open up opportunities for you in the future

I was asked why is reading important so this is my story of why.

I think that reading is important because it can make you smarter, it gives you more entertainment and it can increase your memory because you remember the things that you read. Another reason why people of all ages should read is because when they read their book they get sucked into it and their book might push them to read another.

If I were you I would start reading because a lot of opportunities in your life included reading like being a Policeman or woman,Sports player,lawyer or a teacher. Living without reading could be very difficult because if you build something it could be dangerous because you haven't read the instructions.

Reading is a very important skill because it helps you with your vocabulary and because it plays a gigantic part in our education. These are the reasons why I think why reading is important to us in our lives.